Solar Cloth Company?

2 min readSep 28, 2015


I saw an interesting news about solar cloth company. PV system which is flexible: easily installed and uninstalled. Here is the article

A new startup, the Solar Cloth Company, has developed a lightweight solar cell “cloth” that can be used to “cheaply” and easily harness solar energy while stretched across sports stadiums, parking lots, etc, as per recent reports. -cleantechnica-

I have researched furthermore.

  • It is a British startup called “Solar Cloth Company”.
  • It uses a CIGS (Copper Indium Gallium Selenide) technology: thin flim technology.
  • There are three major product: Power parking, Solar cloth, Roofing Solutions. Three solution are based on flexible and light CIGS. Crystalline silicon roof structure needs 16–22kg per square but Solar Cloth are only 3.3kg per square meter

Founder: Perry Carroll

Perry is the Founder of Solar Cloth Company and has over 20 years of experience of start-ups in the technology sector. Perry has brought to the flexible solar industry sector the kind of sales and marketing expertise that only more than a quarter of a century, working with the most prestigious FT250-listed companies and premium brands can provide. -Solar Cloth Company official websites-

In the interview, he concentrate on aesthetic competitive advantage of CIGS thin film. Unlike crystalline silicon, thin film is flexible and light so that it can assimilate to total design of building.

Solar Cloth company is a market sign of ‘beyond rooftop’. Rooftop with crystalline silicon is cheap and efficient. However, it has limitation.

  1. In the city there is not enough space for empty roof. Moreover, it is much more important that it has to fit with entire city environment.
  2. Warehouse with weak load limit. Crystalline silicon can collapse because it is heavy. CIGS thin flim is much lighter.

Flexible solar cloth is a reasonable solution for city. Solar cloth is not competitor, but Solar panel is penetrating to place where rooftop cannot enter.




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